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منشط الكبد باكتوبيرال
الكبد عضو حيوي في أجسام الحيوانات، حيث يقوم بأدوار ووظائف حيوية، أهمها:
◄ إزالة السموم وتنقية الدم من المواد الضارة
◄ تصنيع وإنتاج البروتينات
◄ إنتاج العصارة الصفراوية التي تساعد في هضم الدهون
◄ تخزين الفيتامينات والمعادن الضرورية
◄ تنظيم مستويات السكر بالدم وتوفير الطاقة
يصاب الكبد بحالات مرضية تحتاج إلى إعطاء الحيوان منشطات للكبد، هذه الحالات كالآتي:
◄ الديدان الكبدية: مثل الفاشيولا التي تصيب القنوات المرارية والكبد
◄ التسمم المعوي: نتيجة لتناول مواد سامة تؤثر على الجهاز الهضمي
◄ التهاب الكبد: نتيجة لعدوى فيروسية أو بكتيرية
◄ الفشل الكلوي: نتيجة التسمم أو العدوى أو الجفاف أو الأمراض المزمنة
◄ نتيجة لهذا لفشل الكلوي تتراكم السموم والفضلات في جسم الحيوان مما يزيد العبء على الكبد لمحاولة التخلص من هذه السموم الأمر الذي يؤدي إلى إجهاد الكبد وتدهور وظائفه بمرور الوقت.
◄ كل هذه الحالات المرضية تُعالج بإعطاء الحيوان علاج لتنشيط الكبد ودعم وظائفه.
باكتوبيرال® هو مستحضر يحتوي مجموعة من المكونات الفعالة تعمل معـًا بطريقة متآذرة لتنشيط الكبد وإزالة السموم ودعم وظائف الكبد، حيث تتميز مكوناته بخصائص داعمة ومحفزة للكبد، حيث يساعد البيتايين في تقليل تراكم الدهون فيه، ويعمل الأرجينين على تعزيز تدفق الدم منه وإليه، بينما يساعد الأورنيثين في إزالة الأمونيا من الجسم، مما يقلل الإجهاد على الكبد، في حين يعزز السيترولين إنتاج أكسيد النيتريك، مما يحسن تدفق الدم بجسم الحيوان، الأمر الذي يدعم وظائف الكبد، كما أن المثيونين يعمل على إزالة السموم وتكوين الجلوتاثيون، أما السوربيتول فهو ملين ومُهضم.
Composition and shape
يحتوي كل 1 مللي من باكتوبيرال® على:
◄ بيتايين
◄ أرجينين (هيدروكلوريد)
◄ أورنيثين (هيدروكلوريد)
◄ سيترولين
◄ مثيونين
◄ كرنتين
◄ سوربيتول (هـ420)
◄ ميتاكريسول
Indications for use
◄ حالات الإصابات الطفيلية والديدان الكبدية
◄ حالات تليف الكبد والكبد الدهني واستسقاء البطن
◄ حالات الصفراء وارتفاع نسبة السموم في الدم
◄ حالات الفشل الكلوي واضطرابات وظائف الكلى
◄ حالات تسمم الحمل والتسمم الناتج عن الولادة
◄ حالات اضطرابات الجهاز الهضمي وسوء التغذية
◄ حالات الضعف العام والهزال وانخفاض الوزن
◄ تنشيط وتحفيز الكبد وتحسين وظائفه
◄ علاج اضطرابات الجهاز الهضمي
◄ إزالة السموم وتقليل الإجهاد على الكبد
◄ تحسين التمثيل الغذائي
◄ تقليل الإجهاد التأكسدي
◄ تعزيز النمو والإنتاجية
◄ دعم الجهاز المناعي
◄ مكافحة العدوى
Dosage and use
◄ الأبقار، الجاموس، والخيول: من 10 إلى 15 مل/ 100 كجم من وزن الجسم
◄ العجول والامهار: من 1 إلى 2 مل/ 5 إلى 10 كجم من وزن الجسم
◄ الأغنام البالغة: من 10 إلى 15 مل/ حيوان اعتمادا على وزن الجسم
◄ الحملان: من 3 إلى 5 مل/ حيوان اعتمادا على وزن الجسم
Withdrawal period
◄ اللحـــم: لا يوجد
◄ الحليب: لا يوجد
◄ يحفظ في مكان جاف بعيدا عن الضوء في درجة حرارة أقل من 30.
◄ يحفظ في مكان آمن بعيدا عن الأطفال.
◄ للاستخدام البيطري فقط.
◄ زجاجة 100 مللي.
Dehydration is a state of lack of fluid in the body, negatively affecting the health and productivity of animals and birds. Dehydration may occur for several reasons: (such as diarrhea, lack of water, malnutrition, poor environmental conditions in the fattening wards, and heat stress). Dehydration is caused by several symptoms including: (lethargy, loss of appetite, dry mouth and mucous membranes, absence of saliva, absence of tears, decreased skin elasticity).
Dehydration leads to an imbalance of electrolyte levels in the bodies of animals and birds, which negatively affects their growth and productivity, and electrolytes are minerals found in the blood and other body fluids, including sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium. These minerals are essential for vital functions such as fluid balance, nerve signal transmission, and muscle contraction.
Electrolyte ® is a preparation for the treatment of dehydration, maintains the stability and balance of water and electrolytes in the bodies of cattle and horses, and contains most of the electrolytes and easily absorbed carbohydrates that animals and birds need, especially during periods of illness and convalescence, especially after diarrhea, especially in young calves, broilers, and during periods of stress, especially transportation stress for animals and thermal stress For poultry, electrolyte ® is also used as a single integrated meal, as it compensates for the loss of nutrients, especially vitamins, during diarrhea, and prevents dehydration.
Composition and shape
◄ Hydroxymethyl.
◄ Sodium chloride.
◄ Potassium citrate.
◄ Monopotassium phosphate.
◄Calcium, and fractionated coconut oil.
فيتامين vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B12
Indications for use
◄ Cases of dehydration.
◄ Cases of acute diarrhea.
◄ Thermal stress in poultry.
◄ Transport stress in calves and cattle.
◄ Lack of mineral salts in cows, camels, horses, sheep, goats
Dosage and use
قار cows, camels, horses: from 100 – 200 grams per animal, dissolved in 1 - 2 liters of drinking water, given to the animal for 3 days.
العج calves, sheep, goats: from 25 – 50 grams per animal, dissolved in 1 - 2 liters of drinking water given to the animal for 3 days.
الدوا poultry: for every 100 birds from 5-10 grams with 2 – 4 liters of drinking water or from 500 grams to 1 kilo per ton of feed.
◄ Or as directed by the veterinarian.
Withdrawal period
اللح meat: 5 days.
الحليب milk: there is no
◄ Store in a dry, opaque place below 30o.
◄ Keep in a safe place away from children.
◄ For veterinary use only.
◄ 100g sachet.
Milk production in animals is carried out in several stages, starting with the synthesis of milk compounds inside the epithelial cells of the vesicles and the fine ends of the milk ducts, then unloading them inside the cavities of the vesicles and ducts, followed by the milking stage, which includes the transfer of milk to the gland and nipple complex and then its exit to the outside of the udder, and to increase milk production, there are factors to be considered, the first of which are: Follow a diet rich in proteins, fiber, minerals and vitamins, and this is provided by balanced leeches containing feed concentrates in addition to green leeches that include alfalfa and fenugreek, and the diet can be supported by some supplements that contain alfalfa and fenugreek extracts and contain elements that support bones and milk production such as calcium and phosphorus, and other elements that support the mammary glands, and elements stimulating the production of the hormone prolactin responsible About milk production, and other important elements to supplement and strengthen the diet, secondly: providing clean water in sufficient quantities all the time, thirdly: Providing a comfortable and clean environment for the animal and taking care of its health, these three factors are preceded by the selection of cow breeds characterized by high trinket productivity.
River Milk® is a compound specially designed to increase milk production in animals, and improve its quality, thanks to the content of fenugreek Trigonella, which studies have proven to increase milk production, and it also helps in improving the fermentation measures in the rumen liquid, which leads to an increase in the rate of milk production as well, River Milk® also contains alfalfa extract, which It works to increase the fat content in milk, improve its quality and raise its nutritional value, River Milk® also contains calcium and phosphorus elements that synergize together to promote bone and dental health and regulate muscle contraction that contribute to milk production, in addition to vitamin D3, which helps to absorb calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which Helps in the production of milk, in addition to all these elements, River Milk® also contains iron, which is an essential component of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen in the blood loaded with nutrients to the mammary glands, and thus increases the rate of milk production, and also contains another group of important elements and compounds that all work together to increase milk production, the most important To stimulate the production of the milk production hormone prolactin.
Composition and shape
تري Trigonella fenugreek
سيم Clover
الكالسيوم calcium gluconate
فيتامين vitamin B6 (pyrioxin )
فيتامين vitamin K
البرو probiotics
يو yucca and fennel
ل chelated calcium
مخ chelated phosphorus
فيتامين chelated vitamin D3
مخ chelated magnesium
مخ claw iron
أك Acorus Calamus
فيتامين vitamin C
◄ Tryptophan acid
البيرة Brewer's yeast
التفاح apple cider vinegar
Indications for use
◄ To increase milk production.
◄ To stimulate the udder and smooth his health.
◄ To increase the fat content of milk and the quality of its fatness.
◄ To improve calcium levels and strengthen bones.
◄ To improve fermentation metrics within the digestive environment.
◄ To support the mammary glands with the nutrients necessary for them.
◄ To improve metabolic efficiency and benefit from feed
Dosage and use
◄ For cows and buffaloes: 50 grams per animal per day.
◄ For sheep and goats: 20 grams per animal per day.
◄ Or added to feed: 10 kilograms per ton per day.
◄ Or as directed by the veterinarian.
Withdrawal period
Meat ◄ there is no
الحليب milk: there is none.
◄ Keep in a dark dry place heat below 30.
◄ Keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.
◄ For veterinary use only.
◄ 100g sachet.
The intake of excessive amounts of highly fermented carbohydrates leads to a significant change in the natural fermentation patterns in the rumen, as lactic acid becomes the main end product of fermentation, and the pH of the rumen decreases, which leads to stagnation of the rumen and the destruction of a large percentage of the beneficial natural bacteria in the rumen, this acidity must be treated and prevent the production of more lactic acid, and the rumen must be emptied And give antacid therapy. Calcium and magnesium carbonates are considered authentic antacids, as they interact with lactic acid in the rumen and alkaline salts, sodium propionate is converted in the rumen to bicarbonate ion and thereby raise the pH, while ginger stimulates the rumen and encourages its movement, and some other elements provide the necessary nutrients for beneficial microflora in the rumen that help restore the rumen To balance it.
Bactogest® is a specially prepared compound of calcium and magnesium bicarbonate, which are considered natural antacids, in addition to yeast that normalizes and manages the acid of the anterior stomach in ruminants, suffering from gastric acidity or primary or secondary digestive disorders resulting from an inappropriate diet, as the consumption of large quantities of cereals, concentrates and fast-fermenting feed, as it contains Baktogest® contains alkaline agents to rebalance the acidity of the rumen and stabilize it quickly, it also contains yeast that helps stabilize the pH of the rumen, and also contains ginger that stimulates the rumen and helps it restore its activity again, in addition to containing the necessary nutrients To reproduce beneficial microbes in the rumen, restore its activity, increase nutrition and rumination.
Composition and shape
الكالسيوم calcium carbonate
◄ Magnesium carbonate
◄ Dibasic sodium phosphate
الصوديوم sodium propionate
نجبيل ginger
الت cobalt sulfate
النحاس copper sulfate
◄ Manganese sulfate
نك zinc sulfate
البيرة Brewer's yeast
كار karyaka papaya
Indications for use
◄ For the treatment of acute Rumen acidity and indigestion.
◄ To treat Rumen acidity caused by excessive amounts of food.
Dosage and use
◄ For cows, buffaloes, camels, horses:
◄ In cases of acute acidity caused by the consumption of large amounts of fast – fermenting leeches, from 100-200 grams mixed with drinking water and given as a single dose per day for 3 days.
◄ In cases of transitional (mild) acidity of 50 – 100 g mixed with syrup water and given as a single dose per day for 3 days.
◄ For calves, sheep and goats:
◄ In cases of acute acidity caused by the consumption of large amounts of fast– fermenting leeches: from 25-50 g mixed with drinking water and given as a single dose per day for 3 days.
◄ In cases of transitional (mild) acidity of 15 – 25 g mixed with drinking water and given as a single dose per day for 3 days.
Withdrawal period
اللح meat: there is none .
الحليب milk: there is none.
◄ Store in a dark dry place and heat below 30.
◄ Keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.
◄ For veterinary use only.
◄ A 100-gram jar.
Studies and research indicate that a large number of animals, especially cows, suffer from a noticeable lack of calcium, which leads to many metabolic problems, especially during childbirth, including milk fever, retention of ketosis in the placenta, and later osteoporosis, although cows during childbirth and the beginning of lactation have a strong need for calcium to compensate for losses and increase the quality of And the rate of milk production. As for poultry, calcium and phosphorus are required for the Prevention of heat stress, weight gain and leg strengthening in meat chickens, strengthening the egg shell in laying, stimulating hatching rates in mothers, and calcium and phosphorus, in addition to vitamin D3, together contribute to the Prevention of rickets and bone softening in animals and poultry.
Paktokal® is an ideal complex rich in calcium, salts and excellent vitamins, necessary for supplementing the diet of cows and sheep with calcium during periods of need, for postpartum recovery and compensation of calcium losses, treatment of milk fever. In poultry, paktocal® promotes poultry health through excellent calcium, phosphorus and magnesium rich supplements that improve growth, enhance enzyme functions, support bone and muscle functions, improve and strengthen the egg shell, improve its thickness, durability and quality, enhance the FCR nutritional conversion rate, stimulate hatching and support the health and productivity of poultry mothers.
Composition and shape
كال calcium gluconate
مخ chelated magnesium
ل chelated phosphorus
فيتامين vitamin B12
فيتامين vitamin D3
ربوهيدرات carbohydrates
Indications for use
For animals:
◄ To compensate for the deficiency of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium and maintain their levels in the blood.
◄ For the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
◄ To open the appetite, increase growth and conversion rate.
◄ To facilitate childbirth, recovery after it and compensate for the loss of calcium.
◄ For the treatment of milk fever.
◄ To increase milk production.

For poultry:
◄ For the Prevention of rickets and osteoporosis.
◄ To avoid cracks and defects of eggs.
◄ For heat stress situations.
◄ For cases of low egg rate.
◄ To improve hatching rates in mothers
Dosage and use
◄ For cows, buffaloes, horses and camels: from 50 – 100 ml per animal per day.
◄ For sheep and goats: from 10-20 ml per animal per day
◄ To support childbirth in large animals: 50 ml before birth, and 50 ml immediately after birth.
◄ To support childbirth in sheep and goats: 20 ml before birth, and 20 ml immediately after birth.
◄ For poultry:50ml / 5L drinking water per 100 birds
كت for chicks: 20ml / 5L drinking water per 100 birds
◄ For preventive treatment of animals and poultry once a week.
◄ Or as directed by the veterinarian.
Withdrawal period
اللح meat: there is none .
الحليب milk: there is none.
◄ Store in a dry place away from light at a temperature below 30.
◄ Keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.
◄ For veterinary use only.
◄ 100ml bottle.
One of the mechanisms supporting the growth of animals and birds and increasing their productivity is firstly: improving their immune response and strengthening antibodies to antigens, which reduces their chances of being exposed to diseases and increases their resistance to various stresses, helps to activate their growth and open their appetite. Secondly: improving female and male fertility rates, which increases the productivity of livestock and poultry mothers, and improving the quality of their productivity. Thirdly: tissue and cell regeneration, bone formation and intercellular adhesive, which helps to strengthen animals and birds and support them in the face of diseases, these three mechanisms are what both vitamin E and selenium work on in addition to vitamin C, for this it is necessary to maintain normal levels of them in the bodies of animals and birds and to beware of their deficiency, which leads to health problems and diseases Such diseases as white muscle disease in cows and sheep, and other diseases in poultry are different.
Pactocell® is a preparation containing vitamin E and selenium with vitamin C, and these triple elements are necessary as an immune booster, growth stimulant, appetizer in animals and birds, and also helps in the treatment of some diseases such as muscle atrophy, cerebral flaccidity and other diseases, it also works to increase fertility, weight gain, increase milk production and improve its quality in cattle, Weight gain in broiler chickens, increased egg productivity and improved its quality in laying, increased fertilization and hatching ratio in mothers.
Composition and shape
فيتامين vitamin E
◄ Selenium (sodium selenite)
◄ Turpentine oil
فيتامين vitamin C
Indications for use
First: in livestock:
◄ For the treatment of vitamin E and selenium deficiency and for active growth
◄ To contribute to the Prevention of placental and uterine retention and the treatment of mastitis
◄ To stimulate fertility and raise production rates.
◄ To stimulate the healing processes of damaged tissues.
◄ To strengthen, support and strengthen the immune system.
◄ To help prevent viral diseases.
◄ To support the functions of blood vessels and the nervous system.

Second: in poultry:
◄ To improve feathers.
◄ To overcome thermal stress.
◄ To reduce leg weakness in poultry of all kinds.
◄ To raise production rates in broilers, laying hens and mothers.
Dosage and use
قار cows, calves and horses : 1ml / 50kg body weight, for a period of 5– 10 days.
◄ For sheep and goats: 1 ml per 20 kg of body weight, for a period of 5 – 10 days.
◄ For poultry: from 1 – 2 ml per liter of drinking water, for a period of 5-8 days.
◄ Or as directed by the veterinarian.
Withdrawal period
اللح meat: there is none .
الحليب milk: there is none.
◄ Store in a dry place away from light at a temperature below 30.
◄ Keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.
◄ For veterinary use only.
◄ 100ml bottle.
Activating the growth of animals and birds and increasing their productivity is done through 5 mechanisms, the first of which is: improving their immune response and strengthening antibodies, reducing the chances of their exposure to diseases and increasing their resistance to various stresses, which is done by the group of vitamins ad3e, the second: promoting the health of the skin and mucous membranes, which makes it a barrier against pathogens, which is done by Vitamin A, and Third: improving female and male fertility rates, increasing the productivity of livestock and poultry mothers, which is done by Vitamin E, fourth: improving egg production rates and quality by stimulating the growth of the ovaries and oviducts and activating the hormones responsible for egg production, which is done by Vitamin D3, and fifth: Improving the rates of carbohydrate and fat metabolism and providing the necessary energy, which increases the rates of food conversion for leeches and livestock, and activates growth, which is done by the group of vitamins ad3e, hence the need to maintain their natural rates in the body and integrate them into the diet of animals and birds.
Fidal3® is a preparation consisting of a group of vitamins necessary for animals and poultry, which activate growth and increase the nutritional conversion rate of leeches and feed, increase milk production, increase fertility, increase egg production, as vitamin A plays an important role in protecting body tissues and mucous membranes, thereby providing prevention of infections in the animal's or bird's body, which Vitamin D3 regularly takes care of the processes of calcium and phosphorus metabolism and increases their absorption from the intestines, which promotes bone formation, while vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and plays a key role in protecting the membranes of Protects cells from oxidative damage, helps eliminate free radicals that cause cell damage, so Vitamin E promotesgrowth of animals and birds and supports their resistance to diseases.
Composition and shape
فيتامين vitamin A (palmitate )
فيتامين vitamin D3 (cholecalcifeprol )
فيتامين vitamin E (tocopherol acetate )
برو propylene glycol
Indications for use
◄ For the treatment and Prevention of ad3e vitamin deficiency.
◄ To improve fertility rates in cattle.
◄ To improve milk and fat production rates.
◄ To stimulate and promote growth and treat growth disorder conditions.
◄ To help remedy cases of poor conversion rates.
◄ To strengthen the immune system and resist pathogens.
◄ To help treat intestinal infections, rickets, skin problems.
◄ For the treatment of transport stress conditions in cattle.
◄ For the treatment of heat stress conditions in birds.
Dosage and use
قار cows and horses : 10ml per animal for 3-5 days
العج calves and ponies: 5 ml per animal for 3-5 days.
◄ And sheep and goats: 2ml per animal for 3-5 days
الدوا poultry: 1 ml / 1 liter of water for 5-7 days.
انب rabbits : 1 ml per rabbit.
Withdrawal period
اللح meat: there is none .
الحليب milk: there is none.
فظ store in a dark dry place and heat below 30
◄ Keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.
◄ For veterinary use only.
◄ 100ml bottle.
Phosphorus is a mineral element necessary for the body, it is considered the second element available in the body after calcium, and it has many important body functions, and its deficiency is considered malnutrition, and its deficiency in the animal's body may entail some problems that cause some symptoms, including the following:
◄ Impaired ability to eliminate toxins.
◄ Pain in the joints of the animal, a tendency to walk on his knees.
◄ Weakness of bones, hooves and horns, especially in young calves.
◄ Fetal malformation and poor health of newborn animals.
◄ Curvature of the animal from the limbs, especially at birth is caused not only by a lack of copper and selenium, but may also be due to a lack of phosphorus.
◄ Loss of appetite and impaired growth.
◄ Low fertility and low milk production.
مم bloody urine (has blood or tends to redden).
Phosphoryl® is an ideal means of supplementing the diet of cows and sheep with phosphorus and calcium and compensating for its deficiency during periods of need, especially in cases of milk fever or phosphorus-calcium deficiency conditions.
Composition and shape
س phosphorus
◄ Calcium
فيتامين vitamin D3
فيتامين vitamin B12
Indications for use
◄ Cases of fractures, rickets and osteoporosis resulting from a lack of phosphorus and calcium.
◄ Impaired fertility and production, the need for support and activation.
◄ Loss of appetite, general weakness, stress, malnutrition problems, obstetric postpartum weakness.
◄ It is recommended for animals with Punch, rumination stops or Rumen malfunctions .
◄ Recommend it in periods of convalescence after infection with parasitic and viral diseases
Dosage and use
◄ In cases of phosphorus deficiency, the animal is given 1 ml / 10 kg of body weight for 3 days.
◄ In cases of anorexia, the animal is given 1 ml / 10 kg of body weight per day until it regains its appetite.
◄ To support fertility 3-4 weeks before mating.
◄ For cases of long-term treatment consult a veterinarian.
◄ Shake the bottle well before use.
Withdrawal period
Meat◄: there are no
الحليب milk: there are no
◄ Store in a dry place away from light at a temperature below 30.
◄ Keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.
◄ For veterinary use only.
◄ 100ml bottle.
What is the lack of nutrition in livestock Undernutrition in livestock are diseases and problems that occur to livestock as a result of undernutrition, such as:
◄ Lack of vitamins (vitamin A-B-complex vitamins-vitamin E-Vitamin D...And others)
◄ Lack of mineral salts (such as copper – zinc – calcium – phosphorus – potassium – magnesium – iron – selenium ...And others)
◄ Lack of amino acids (lysine acid-alanine acid-arginine acid ...And others) what are the causes of undernutrition
◄Infection with intestinal worms that Deplete the energy and nutrients necessary for livestock.
◄ Some diseases that lead to loss of appetite and the animal's food symptom such as bacterial and viral infections, lung, stomach and intestinal infections, Crown's disease ...And others
◄ Some other diseases such as foot and mouth fever lead to nutritional deficiencies.
الفعال ineffective insemination, which is the insemination of cows that are not in a real rut, leads to a lack of nutrition
◄ Injuries of the reproductive system during natural insemination also lead to nutritional deficiencies
Vitral® is an ideal combination of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that the animal needs to compensate for losses from them, to increase food conversion rates (FCR) and increase meat production, and also to resist stress situations, help repair cracked horns and hooves, regenerate skin and muscle cells, stimulate antibodies and stimulate immunity in the animal, it is also very useful after antihistamine treatment As for poultry, Vitral® acts as a growth stimulator, increasing its rates and weight gain in broiler chickens, increasing eggs in laying, and also acts as an anti-stress for all types of meat chickens, eggs and mothers, and it is also very useful after processing from Coccidiosis, parasites, bacterial and viral diseases.
Composition and shape
Each package of Vitral® contains: -
فيتامين vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, Vitamin C, and vitamin K
فيتامين vitamin B2, B2, B6, B12
◄ Nicotinamide
◄ D-Panthenol
◄ Folic acid
فيتامين vitamin K (menaphthon )
تين biotin
اي ethionine
◄ L-lysine monohydrochloride
نك zinc ( in the form of zinc sulfate)
اليو iodine ( in the form of potassium iodide)
◄ Manganese (as manganese sulfate)
النحاس copper (in the form of copper sulfate)
الحديد iron (in the form of ferrous sulfate heptahydrate)
الت cobalt ( in the form of cobalt sulfate)
◄ Selenium (as sodium selenite)
Indications for use
For animals:
◄ For the treatment of cases of deficiency of vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids.
◄ To stimulate growth, weight gain and improve food conversion rates.
◄ To increase fertility, raise its rates, quality.
◄ To improve the condition of the animal after childbirth and support milk production.
◄ After treatment with antibiotics and anthelmintics.
◄ To regenerate skin and muscle cells and stimulate their growth.
◄ For stress therapy and stress relief.

For poultry:
◄ To stimulate growth, weight gain and raise the efficiency of the food conversion rate.
◄ To increase fertility, egg production and improve its quality.
◄ To help treat heat stress caused by poor breeding conditions.
◄ For the treatment of stress conditions and post-immunization exhaustion.
◄ To raise the bird's resistance to diseases and strengthen its immunity.
◄ After treatment from coccidiosis, parasites, bacterial and viral diseases.
Dosage and use
قار cows and horses : 10-20 ml per animal.
العج calves and ponies : from 5-10 ml per animal.
نام sheep and goats : from 2-5 ml per animal.
◄ For poultry: 100 ml on 100 liters of drinking water for a period of 5 - 7 days.
◄ Or as directed by the veterinarian.
Withdrawal period
اللح meat: there is none .
الحليب milk: there is none.
◄ Store in a dry place away from light at a temperature below 30.
◄ Keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.
◄ For veterinary use only.
◄ 100ml bottle.
The fullness of the animal's Rumen with nutrients above normal rates, leads to the accumulation of gases in the digestive tract, swelling of the rumen, which is sometimes known as "punch", and this may occur as a result of wrong eating habits, such as eating large amounts of leeches at once, eating indigestible food, or eating only concentrates without leeches Roughness, lack of chewing food for tooth damage or for animal gluttony (as in horses), stress or sudden changes in diet may also be contributing factors. As a result, the animal shows symptoms, the most prominent of which are: -
Swelling and swelling in the rumen area, may be accompanied by intestinal pain and discomfort.
- The animal refrains from eating and the appearance of signs of anxiety on it, the left flank of the animal is full and by knocking on it the sound is muffled.
- Disturbance of breathing and pulse, and other symptoms that may worsen and lead to a negative impact on growth and production, the occurrence of digestive problems. If the animal continues without treatment, this may eventually lead to its death, so work should be done to restart the rumen again as soon as possible.
Rumen-on ® is a preparation for the activation of the stomach, the operation of the rumen and the restoration of its normal function, normalizes the digestive process in the anterior stomach after digestive disorders and during periods of digestive upset and heat stress, it is also an adjuvant in the treatment of dyspeptic conditions, works to restore the animal to its appetite and increase nutrition and rumination.
Composition and shape
Each package of Romine-on ® contains: -
Vitamins A, D3, e
- Magnesium sulfate, manganese, copper, iron and zinc
- Beer brewers
- Choline Chloride
- Methionine
- Sodium chloride ;
- Potassium iodate
- Cobalt sulfate ;
Indications for use
- For cases of indigestion resulting from excessive intake of concentrated relays.
- For animals suffering from heat stress.
- As part of the treatment protocols for the treatment of metabolic diseases.
- To stimulate microbial activity in the rumen and restore Rumen activity.
- To stimulate metabolism and normalize digestion processes.
- To stimulate and open appetite, increase nutrition and rumination.
Dosage and use
- Large animals (cows, buffaloes, horses, and camels): the contents of a 100-gram bag are dissolved in 1 liter of water and given to the animal for 3 days.
- Young animals (calves, sheep, goats): dissolve 50 grams (half a sachet) in 1/2 liter of water for 3 days.
- Or as directed by the veterinarian.
Withdrawal period
- Meat: there is none.
- Milk: there is none.
- Store in a dry place away from light at a temperature below 30.
- Keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.
- For veterinary use only.
- A bag of 100 grams.
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