Veterinary wealth ( animal and poultry) is a livelihood and a lot of good, I make you a share of it
Prepare a suitable barn for the number of Flock, adhere to good specifications in terms of ventilation, lighting, heat and humidity
Increase the conversion rate by choosing the best feeds, medicines and additives, try baktofit products
Seek the help of a veterinarian after the Almighty, and call him even one visit a month to follow the production cycle
After reaching the required weights, start selling the herd and making a profit, and then follow the cleansing instructions before downloading a new course
About Baktovit !
bactovet is a company specializing in the field of Veterinary Medicines and feed additives. We aim to promote the health of broiler poultry and farm animals, and increase conversion rates. It is of interest to us to have a healthy, healthy herd and large weights, which contributes to an increase in profitability rates for breeders. At the same time, we strive to provide safe poultry and livestock to consumers, as our various products of veterinary drugs and feed additives are distinctive in terms of composition, shape, packaging and weight. We rely on the results of scientific research and produce preparations using proven and successful formulations, which guarantees high results.
We strive to promote the health of broiler poultry and farm animals
A modern vision of increasing conversion rates
Baktofit products
We pride ourselves on providing the best products, strive to meet the needs of our customers and achieve maximum satisfaction.
◄ إزالة السموم وتنقية الدم من المواد الضارة
◄ تصنيع وإنتاج البروتينات
◄ إنتاج العصارة الصفراوية التي تساعد في هضم الدهون
◄ تخزين الفيتامينات والمعادن الضرورية
◄ تنظيم مستويات السكر بالدم وتوفير الطاقة
يصاب الكبد بحالات مرضية تحتاج إلى إعطاء الحيوان منشطات للكبد، هذه الحالات كالآتي:
◄ الديدان الكبدية: مثل الفاشيولا التي تصيب القنوات المرارية والكبد
◄ التسمم المعوي: نتيجة لتناول مواد سامة تؤثر على الجهاز الهضمي
◄ التهاب الكبد: نتيجة لعدوى فيروسية أو بكتيرية
◄ الفشل الكلوي: نتيجة التسمم أو العدوى أو الجفاف أو الأمراض المزمنة
◄ نتيجة لهذا لفشل الكلوي تتراكم السموم والفضلات في جسم الحيوان مما يزيد العبء على الكبد لمحاولة التخلص من هذه السموم الأمر الذي يؤدي إلى إجهاد الكبد وتدهور وظائفه بمرور الوقت.
◄ كل هذه الحالات المرضية تُعالج بإعطاء الحيوان علاج لتنشيط الكبد ودعم وظائفه.
◄ بيتايين
◄ أرجينين (هيدروكلوريد)
◄ أورنيثين (هيدروكلوريد)
◄ سيترولين
◄ مثيونين
◄ كرنتين
◄ سوربيتول (هـ420)
◄ ميتاكريسول
◄ حالات تليف الكبد والكبد الدهني واستسقاء البطن
◄ حالات الصفراء وارتفاع نسبة السموم في الدم
◄ حالات الفشل الكلوي واضطرابات وظائف الكلى
◄ حالات تسمم الحمل والتسمم الناتج عن الولادة
◄ حالات اضطرابات الجهاز الهضمي وسوء التغذية
◄ حالات الضعف العام والهزال وانخفاض الوزن
◄ تنشيط وتحفيز الكبد وتحسين وظائفه
◄ علاج اضطرابات الجهاز الهضمي
◄ إزالة السموم وتقليل الإجهاد على الكبد
◄ تحسين التمثيل الغذائي
◄ تقليل الإجهاد التأكسدي
◄ تعزيز النمو والإنتاجية
◄ دعم الجهاز المناعي
◄ مكافحة العدوى
◄ العجول والامهار: من 1 إلى 2 مل/ 5 إلى 10 كجم من وزن الجسم
◄ الأغنام البالغة: من 10 إلى 15 مل/ حيوان اعتمادا على وزن الجسم
◄ الحملان: من 3 إلى 5 مل/ حيوان اعتمادا على وزن الجسم
◄ الحليب: لا يوجد
◄ يحفظ في مكان آمن بعيدا عن الأطفال.
◄ للاستخدام البيطري فقط.
Dehydration leads to an imbalance of electrolyte levels in the bodies of animals and birds, which negatively affects their growth and productivity, and electrolytes are minerals found in the blood and other body fluids, including sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium. These minerals are essential for vital functions such as fluid balance, nerve signal transmission, and muscle contraction.
◄ Sodium chloride.
◄ Potassium citrate.
◄ Monopotassium phosphate.
◄Calcium, and fractionated coconut oil.
فيتامين vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B12
◄ Cases of acute diarrhea.
◄ Thermal stress in poultry.
◄ Transport stress in calves and cattle.
◄ Lack of mineral salts in cows, camels, horses, sheep, goats
العج calves, sheep, goats: from 25 – 50 grams per animal, dissolved in 1 - 2 liters of drinking water given to the animal for 3 days.
الدوا poultry: for every 100 birds from 5-10 grams with 2 – 4 liters of drinking water or from 500 grams to 1 kilo per ton of feed.
◄ Or as directed by the veterinarian.
الحليب milk: there is no
◄ Keep in a safe place away from children.
◄ For veterinary use only.
سيم Clover
الكالسيوم calcium gluconate
فيتامين vitamin B6 (pyrioxin )
فيتامين vitamin K
البرو probiotics
يو yucca and fennel
ل chelated calcium
مخ chelated phosphorus
فيتامين chelated vitamin D3
مخ chelated magnesium
مخ claw iron
أك Acorus Calamus
فيتامين vitamin C
◄ Tryptophan acid
البيرة Brewer's yeast
التفاح apple cider vinegar
◄ To stimulate the udder and smooth his health.
◄ To increase the fat content of milk and the quality of its fatness.
◄ To improve calcium levels and strengthen bones.
◄ To improve fermentation metrics within the digestive environment.
◄ To support the mammary glands with the nutrients necessary for them.
◄ To improve metabolic efficiency and benefit from feed
◄ For sheep and goats: 20 grams per animal per day.
◄ Or added to feed: 10 kilograms per ton per day.
◄ Or as directed by the veterinarian.
الحليب milk: there is none.
◄ Keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.
◄ For veterinary use only.
◄ Magnesium carbonate
◄ Dibasic sodium phosphate
الصوديوم sodium propionate
نجبيل ginger
الت cobalt sulfate
النحاس copper sulfate
◄ Manganese sulfate
نك zinc sulfate
البيرة Brewer's yeast
كار karyaka papaya
◄ To treat Rumen acidity caused by excessive amounts of food.
◄ In cases of acute acidity caused by the consumption of large amounts of fast – fermenting leeches, from 100-200 grams mixed with drinking water and given as a single dose per day for 3 days.
◄ In cases of transitional (mild) acidity of 50 – 100 g mixed with syrup water and given as a single dose per day for 3 days.
◄ For calves, sheep and goats:
◄ In cases of acute acidity caused by the consumption of large amounts of fast– fermenting leeches: from 25-50 g mixed with drinking water and given as a single dose per day for 3 days.
◄ In cases of transitional (mild) acidity of 15 – 25 g mixed with drinking water and given as a single dose per day for 3 days.
الحليب milk: there is none.
◄ Keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.
◄ For veterinary use only.
مخ chelated magnesium
ل chelated phosphorus
فيتامين vitamin B12
فيتامين vitamin D3
ربوهيدرات carbohydrates
◄ To compensate for the deficiency of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium and maintain their levels in the blood.
◄ For the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
◄ To open the appetite, increase growth and conversion rate.
◄ To facilitate childbirth, recovery after it and compensate for the loss of calcium.
◄ For the treatment of milk fever.
◄ To increase milk production.
For poultry:
◄ For the Prevention of rickets and osteoporosis.
◄ To avoid cracks and defects of eggs.
◄ For heat stress situations.
◄ For cases of low egg rate.
◄ To improve hatching rates in mothers
◄ For sheep and goats: from 10-20 ml per animal per day
◄ To support childbirth in large animals: 50 ml before birth, and 50 ml immediately after birth.
◄ To support childbirth in sheep and goats: 20 ml before birth, and 20 ml immediately after birth.
◄ For poultry:50ml / 5L drinking water per 100 birds
كت for chicks: 20ml / 5L drinking water per 100 birds
◄ For preventive treatment of animals and poultry once a week.
◄ Or as directed by the veterinarian.
الحليب milk: there is none.
◄ Keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.
◄ For veterinary use only.
◄ Selenium (sodium selenite)
◄ Turpentine oil
فيتامين vitamin C
◄ For the treatment of vitamin E and selenium deficiency and for active growth
◄ To contribute to the Prevention of placental and uterine retention and the treatment of mastitis
◄ To stimulate fertility and raise production rates.
◄ To stimulate the healing processes of damaged tissues.
◄ To strengthen, support and strengthen the immune system.
◄ To help prevent viral diseases.
◄ To support the functions of blood vessels and the nervous system.
Second: in poultry:
◄ To improve feathers.
◄ To overcome thermal stress.
◄ To reduce leg weakness in poultry of all kinds.
◄ To raise production rates in broilers, laying hens and mothers.
◄ For sheep and goats: 1 ml per 20 kg of body weight, for a period of 5 – 10 days.
◄ For poultry: from 1 – 2 ml per liter of drinking water, for a period of 5-8 days.
◄ Or as directed by the veterinarian.
الحليب milk: there is none.
◄ Keep in a safe place out of the reach of children.
◄ For veterinary use only.
Distribution offices
Ask about bactovit products in the following veterinary pharmacies and offices
Dr. Masoud Al-Jundi veterinary clinic
Address details :
Andalus Veterinary Services Office
Address details :
Al Nada pharmacy for veterinary services
Address details :
Makkah Veterinary Services
Address details :
Mohammed Hijazi Veterinary Services
Address details :
Partners of success
We are proud of our partners for joint success.We strive to build long-term relationships based on trust and professionalism.
Veterinary Info
We strive to provide our clients with the latest veterinary information to ensure the health and well-being of their animals. We provide periodic articles, tips and guidelines based on scientific research and practical experiments.
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